Chives Seeds - Seeds |

Chives Seeds

PS Seeds

SKU 3384


AED 12


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1 packet


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Plant Care


Wet the seed starting mix. Push your finger into the soil to your first knuckle and make sure it is damp. Excess water should drain through.


Indirect sunlight, 6 to 8 hours


Maintain temperatures between 18°C - 24°C. Avoid draughts as these can create undesirable temperature fluctuations. Consider giving your plant an occasional misting twice every week to maintain the optimum humidity level.


Provide fertilizer once the first true leaves emerge. The first set of leaves that appear are known as the seed leaves. The second set of leaves are the first ‘true leaves,’ and a sign that your plant is getting mature and ready for serious growth. Dilute a balanced fertilizer to ¼ the strength recommended. Fertilize once in 2 weeks.

Product Bio

Chives will grow in almost all soils, the ideal one being well-dug with the addition of well-rotted compost or organic material. Work in a handful or two of bonemeal per square metre (yard). Chives are not greedy feeders, so it is not necessary to feed throughout the year if the soil has been prepared as described. Full sun or partial shade suit them equally well, and although they are fairly tolerant of drought, don't plant them in very dry places.

Chives are very similar to onions, they have a bulbous root and green leaves. The bulbs multiply quickly over a few years and this provides the easiest method of propagation. Simply dig up the clump of bulbs in March or October, carefully separate them into individual bulbs and replant with the tips of the bulbs level with the soil surface. They thrive on this method of propagation, because it relieves the congestion in the bulbs. Growing chives from seed is almost as easy - sow the seeds indoors using normal potting compost in March time (or directly outside in April) . Make sure the compost remains moist. The seedlings will appear a week to ten days later. Transfer them outside a month after sowing with 10cm (8in) between each plant.

If the soil has been prepared as described above, just sit back and watch them grow! They are almost completely free of disease, and their only requirement is watering if the conditions become very dry. They occasionally suffer from onion fly, but this is almost always because they have been planted near onions which have been attacked - the solution is not to plant chives near onions.

Chives are perennial evergreen plants, and keep their leaves in most winters. In colder winters, the leaves may die back completely, but don't despair - their roots are still alive and they will begin new growth next spring.

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