Wet the seed starting mix. Push your finger into the soil to your first knuckle and make sure it is damp. Excess water should drain through.
PS Seeds
SKU 205
Wet the seed starting mix. Push your finger into the soil to your first knuckle and make sure it is damp. Excess water should drain through.
Indirect sunlight, 6 to 8 hours
Maintain temperatures between 18°C - 24°C. Avoid draughts as these can create undesirable temperature fluctuations. Consider giving your plant an occasional misting twice every week to maintain the optimum humidity level.
Provide fertilizer once the first true leaves emerge. The first set of leaves that appear are known as the seed leaves. The second set of leaves are the first ‘true leaves,’ and a sign that your plant is getting mature and ready for serious growth. Dilute a balanced fertilizer to ¼ the strength recommended. Fertilize once in 2 weeks.
Beets can be grown in containers of quality potting soil, but for best results grow them in well prepared soil that has been raked to a fine tilth. Beets need a sunny, open position and moist, fertile conditions.
There are lots of types of beets available. If you're a beginner, look out for bolt-resistant varieties that are less likely to produce flowering stems (rather than the tasty roots) in hot summers. For the adventurous there are many interesting colors; varieties with concentric rings such as 'Chioggia' look particularly impressive in salads.
Sow seeds outdoors from mid-spring until the middle of summer. You can sow a couple of weeks earlier by using crop protection – for instance, grow them in greenhouse or hoop house borders, or sow into trays or pots under cover to plant out once temperatures outside have improved. In areas with scorching summers you'll need to avoid growing them in the hottest months, but you may be able to squeeze in a fall crop.
You can use our Garden Planner to work out exactly when to sow beets in your area. The software uses your location to set personalized sowing dates for your garden. Just click on the Plant List that accompanies your plan to find out exactly when you can expect to sow and harvest. If you add a season extender such as a hoop house or row cover to your beets, the dates in the Plant List will automatically adjust to take into account the additional warmth.
To sow, first mark out seed drills into prepared soil. You can use a long-handled tool to make depressions into raked soil, or for shorter rows simply use a hand trowel to create your drills. These should be about an inch (2cm) deep with subsequent rows spaced one foot (30cm) apart. The seeds are quite big and knobbly, which makes them very easy to sow. Unlike other crops, beet seeds are actually clumps of individual seeds, so you'll often get several sprouts from each one. Simply drop the seeds into the drill so that they are about 1-2 inches (2-5cm) apart. There’s no need to be too precise with this as you can always remove excess seedlings once they’ve germinated. Now cover the seeds over, patting the soil back down with the palm of your hand or the back of a rake. Don’t forget to label your rows.
You can also sow seeds into module trays of potting soil for easy transplanting. Growing in module trays allows plants to be set in place at their final spacings without the need for thinning, and is great for early crops started off under cover. Sow two or three seeds into each cell then cover with potting soil, and water. Keep the potting soil moist as the seeds germinate and grow on into young seedlings.
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