Plant Bio
Known as the Shield Plant due to its large, heart-shaped leaves, this tropical triumph is a beauty to behold. Gliding on pinky-orange long arching slender stems, rippled lush foliage gives this plant a thick, full canopy reminiscent of exotic jungles in faraway lands. Reaching heights of up to 1.5 metres with a 1 metre spread, this plant packs a punch as a stand-alone statement, giving spaces an impressive point of interest.
Versatile, this plant will do well in medium and low light conditions, but would prefer some bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight may scorch the leaves.
Water moderately and allow it to drain freely, these plants do not like to be dry or sat in water. Try to keep the soil moist at all times. Do not allow it to sit in soggy soil.
Warmer household temperatures between 15-32°C but can tolerate lows of 4 degrees for short periods. Avoid cold draughts.
Prefers above normal household humidity levels, however, will tolerate some lower levels with regular weekly misting.
Apply a weak solution of liquid fertiliser once or twice a month during the growing season.
Height & Growth Rate
Moderate growth rate. Ultimate height can reach 1.5 meters.
Toxic to humans and pets if ingested. Keep away from children and pets at all times.
Air Purifying
This plant filters airborne toxins and is part of our clean air plant collection.
Homalomena rubescens Maggy originates from Southern Asia.