Florida Fiddlewood for Sale Online | Quick Delivery in the UAE | Plantshop.me

Florida Fiddlewood

Citharexylum spinosum

SKU 5923


AED 40


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100cm - 120cm

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Plant Care


During summer, Water daily or when the soil starts to become slightly dry at the top. During Winter season water once in 2 days or when the soil starts to become slightly dry at the top. Keep the soil lightly moist at all times, but do not overwater as this will cause brown spots and leaf drop. Curly or dry leaves suggest, the plant is dry and needs watering. Water in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler. Always check your soil before watering.


During summer season keep the plants in shaded area and during winter season plants can withstand direct/indirect light.


During summer season or when the temperature is above 45°C place the plant in shaded area. During winter season or the when the temperature is below 45°C the plants can be directly placed in direct/indirect sunlight.


Apply liquid fertilizer or slow release fertilizer once in 15 days. Always fertilizer the plants during the morning hours when the temperature is low. For best results use Folikraft ready to use Outdoor Plant Food / Flower Booster.

Plant Bio

Florida Fiddlewood, scientifically known as Citharexylum spinosum, is a flowering shrub or small tree native to Florida and the Caribbean. Here is a description and care guide for Florida Fiddlewood:


Foliage: Florida Fiddlewood features glossy, dark green, and elongated leaves that grow opposite each other along the branches. The leaves are leathery and have a lanceolate or elliptic shape.

Flowers: This plant produces clusters of small, fragrant, white flowers with a tubular shape. The flowers are attractive to pollinators like butterflies and bees.

Fruit: After flowering, Florida Fiddlewood may produce small, dark berries, though these are not typically a significant ornamental feature.

Size: It can grow as a multi-stemmed shrub or small tree, reaching heights between 8-15 feet (2.4-4.5 meters) tall and spreading about 6-10 feet (1.8-3 meters) wide.

Care Guide:

Light: Florida Fiddlewood prefers full sun to partial shade. It grows well in a location that receives at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

Temperature: It thrives in warm climates and is suitable for USDA hardiness zones 10-11. It is sensitive to frost and prefers temperatures above 50°F (10°C).

Watering: Provide regular watering, especially during the establishment period. Once established, it is somewhat drought-tolerant but benefits from occasional deep watering during dry spells.

Soil: Plant Florida Fiddlewood in well-draining soil with good fertility. A sandy or loamy soil type enriched with organic matter is ideal.

Fertilization: Feed the plant with a balanced fertilizer during the growing season, typically in spring and summer. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for application rates.

Pruning: Prune to maintain its shape and remove dead or diseased branches. Regular pruning can encourage denser growth and a more appealing appearance.

Pest and Disease Management: Florida Fiddlewood is generally resistant to pests and diseases. However, watch for potential issues such as aphids or scale insects and treat them promptly if found.

Propagation: Propagation is commonly done through seeds or semi-hardwood cuttings taken in spring or summer. The plant can also be propagated by air layering.

Florida Fiddlewood is appreciated for its attractive foliage, fragrant flowers, and ease of care. Providing proper sunlight, watering, occasional fertilization, and maintenance will help ensure the health and beauty of Citharexylum spinosum in your garden or landscape.

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