Plant Bio
Pilea rotundifolia has a very different format from the other Pilea , this one looking much more like a Nephrolepis . It has soft, bud-shaped leaflets along the length of its leaves, making it an excellent addition to terrariums of all sizes. They are easy to care for and non-toxic to animals. Often used in terrariums!
Light: Prefers environments with abundant diffused light. Direct sun can burn its foliage or fade its color. It tolerates growing conditions well with fluorescent artificial light.
Temperature: It likes mild temperatures, between 15-25ºC. Likes high humidity but does well in medium humidity.
Watering: Likes to feel the substrate minimally humid during spring-summer, reduce the frequency of watering during autumn-winter.
Fertilization: We advise the application of nutrients by fertirrigation 2 to 3 times during spring/summer.
First found: New Zealand.