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Rain Lily


SKU 3861


AED 11


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10cm - 15cm

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Default Plastic Pot


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Plant Care


During summer, Water daily or when the soil starts to become slightly dry at the top. During Winter season water once in 2 days or when the soil starts to become slightly dry at the top. Keep the soil lightly moist at all times, but do not overwater as this will cause brown spots and leaf drop. Curly or dry leaves suggest, the plant is dry and needs watering. Water in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler. Always check your soil before watering.


During summer season keep the plants in shaded area and during winter season plants can withstand direct/indirect light.


During summer season or when the temperature is above 45°C place the plant in shaded area. During winter season or the when the temperature is below 45°C the plants can be directly placed in direct/indirect sunlight.


Apply liquid fertilizer or slow release fertilizer once in 15 days. Always fertilizer the plants during the morning hours when the temperature is low. For best results use Folikraft ready to use Outdoor Plant Food / Flower Booster.

Plant Bio

Zephyranthes, commonly known as Zephyr lilies, Rain lilies, or Fairy lilies, are a group of small, bulbous plants that produce charming, funnel-shaped flowers. These perennials are named for their habit of blooming shortly after a rain shower, making them a delightful addition to gardens and landscapes. Here's a description and care guide for Zephyranthes, or Zephyr lilies:


Foliage: Zephyranthes plants feature slender, grass-like, green leaves that grow from the base. The leaves are typically about 6-12 inches long.

Flowers: Zephyr lilies produce solitary or clustered flowers on slender, leafless stalks. The flowers can be white, pink, yellow, or a combination of these colors. They are typically trumpet-shaped, with six petal-like segments that form a funnel or star shape. The blooms are delicate and appear shortly after rain or when the soil is well-watered.

Bulbs: These plants grow from small, round bulbs that are often planted just below the surface of the soil.

Care Guide:


Plant Zephyranthes in a location that receives full to partial sun. They thrive in bright, indirect light and can handle some direct morning sunlight.


Provide well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. A loamy or sandy soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH (around 6.0-7.0) is ideal. Good drainage is crucial to prevent bulb rot.


Plant the bulbs just below the surface of the soil, with the tip of the bulb slightly protruding. Space them about 3-4 inches apart.


Keep the soil evenly moist during the growing season, especially in the spring and summer when the plant is actively growing and flowering. Reduce watering in the dormant season (fall and winter) to avoid overwatering and rot.


Zephyranthes bulbs don't require heavy fertilization. You can provide a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season, but avoid excessive feeding, as it can lead to lush foliage at the expense of flowers.


Deadhead spent flowers to encourage continuous blooming. Remove faded blooms and seed heads to promote the plant's energy for new growth and flowering.

Pest and Disease Management:

Zephyr lilies are generally pest and disease-resistant. However, watch for snails, slugs, and aphids, and use appropriate methods to control them if needed.


In areas with cold winters, Zephyranthes may benefit from protection or digging up the bulbs and storing them in a cool, dry place until the next planting season.

Zephyranthes, or Zephyr lilies, are a charming addition to gardens, borders, and containers. Their delicate, rain-triggered blooms and low-maintenance care make them a favorite among gardeners looking for a touch of beauty and whimsy in their landscapes.

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