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Water Lily


SKU 936


AED 137


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50cm - 60cm

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Plant Care


Aim for 65% plant coverage in ponds. Start plants shallow, lowering as they grow. Maintain ideal depth once established. Avoid planting too high (freezing) or low (lack of light). Waterlilies prefer 4-18 inches; lotus 6-18 inches.


Make sure your waterlily or lotus gets enough sunlight—at least four hours, but ideally six hours or more. Some lotus will not flower unless they get six hours of sunlight daily.


Plant lotus and hardy water lilies below freeze line. Lotus prefers warm water. Overwinter tropical water lilies by storing rhizomes in damp sand at 50-55°F. These techniques protect water plants during cold seasons.


Press fertilizer tablets into soil around plants monthly. Avoid adding to water to protect pH and aquatic life. Tropical waterlilies need generous fertilization during their growing season due to high nutrient demands.

Plant Bio

Water lily, (family Nymphaeaceae), any of 58 species in 6 genera of freshwater plants native to the temperate and tropical parts of the world. Most species of water lilies have rounded, variously notched, waxy-coated leaves on long stalks that contain many air spaces and float in quiet freshwater habitats. The stalks arise from thick, fleshy, creeping underwater stems that are buried in the mud. The showy, fragrant, solitary flowers are borne at or above the water surface on long stalks that are attached to the underground stems.

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