Librel Mn - Magnesium Chelate - Fertilizer |

Librel Mn - Manganese Chelate

SKU 3287


AED 27


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Product Bio

Chelated Manganese EDTA is a stable water-soluble nutrient that helps boost your plants' growth. It is mainly used in horticulture as a micro-nutrient. Manganese Fertilizer helps in preventing and correcting manganese deficiencies caused by nutrients imbalance. Chelated Manganese EDTA is applicable in trickle irrigation, can be absorbed in NPK and could also be applied in Foliage fertilizer. It provides a healthy plant growth for maximum yields.

Manganese is among the secondary nutrients needed by plants for a normal and healthy growth. Lacking the correct amount of magnesium nutrient could cause poor plants’ growth.

What Does Manganese Deficiency Look Like in Plants?

Manganese is mobile and is, therefore, used by many parts of the plant. Symptoms of lack of manganese, thus, are likely to be seen first in older leaves. The primary sign is yellow leaves with green veins. This condition is also known as interveinal chlorosis.

It also leads to stunted plant growth. Manganese deficiency occurs mostly when the pH of the growing medium which could be either soil or water exceeds 6.5. It can also be as a result of low fertilizer application rate or poor application.

Chelated Manganese EDTA is best when used in hydroponic agriculture where the plants are in water. Manganese Fertilizer comes with the following characteristics and advantages:

- Highly soluble in water
- Contains high Manganese (Mn) elements
- Crops can quickly take in chelated manganese since they require low energy for absorbing the Chelated nutrients
- You start witnessing the results right after application. This is because Chelated Manganese is readily available for plants
- It is multipurpose as it can be used both in hydroponics and aeroponics agriculture, as well as applied in soil

- Dissolve 8gms in 1 litre of water for foliage application

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