Plant Bio
The Chinese give away the Lucky Bamboo or Lucky Bamboo to give luck, for example, when starting a business, buying a new house, etc., hence its name.
It goes well with intense but subdued light. It grows both in the shade and in the light and with temperatures ranging from 15 to 32ºC, which makes this a perfect plant for the home.
Lucky Bamboo is not demanding on humidity.
It can be grown in a pot like other indoor plants. It will not need many risks. It's actually an agavácea , so it requires the care of a yucca, more or less.
Add a little liquid fertilizer to the water once a month (a few drops).
Plagues and diseases
Mealybugs and fungal leaf spots are the most frequent problems with lucky bamboo. The former are removed by hand with alcohol and the fungus with fungicide.
– These plants can be grown in soil or even placed in a vase-like container with enough water to cover the roots. Change the water in summer once a week with clean water, and in winter - less often. Depending on the cases, it can live more or less time in water, being more reliable and durable when growing on land.