Creeping Fig - Indoor Plants |

Creeping Fig

Ficus Pumila

SKU 3767


AED 49


Choose Height

20cm - 30cm

Choose Pot

Default Plastic Pot
With White Ceramic Pot


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Plant Care


Water once a week or when the soil starts to become slightly dry at the top. Keep the soil lightly moist at all times, but do not overwater as this will cause brown spots and leaf drop. Curly or dry leaves suggest, the plant is dry and needs watering. Water in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler. Always check your soil before watering.


Bright indoor light or indirect sun. 6 hours to 8 hours


Maintain temperatures between 18°C - 24°C. Avoid draughts as these can create undesirable temperature fluctuations. Consider giving your plant an occasional misting twice every week to maintain the optimum humidity level.


Apply liquid fertilizer once in 15 days when the plant is actively growing. For best results use Folikraft ready to use Indoor Plant Food.

Plant Bio

The key to a healthy creeping fig plant is to provide as much warm, humid air as possible, plenty of even moisture, and bright (but not direct) sunlight. However, it's worth noting that even very healthy and well-cared-for plants will likely only last a few years in their pots; ultimately their root structures are designed for aggressive and spreading growth, and it's highly unlikely your indoor plant will ever bloom or yield fruit.

If you want to keep your creeping fig plant around for longer than its natural indoor life, propagate the plant every other year or so. That way, when one plant declines, a new one will be waiting to take its spot.

Keep in mind, if growing your creeping fig outdoors, it can become invasive quickly. If you choose to plant it in your garden, know that you will have to prune creeping fig consistently to ensure it doesn't take over nearby plants.


Creeping fig plants prefer a bright spot in your home but do not like direct sunlight. In general, you should aim to give your plant six to eight hours of diffused, indirect light each day. They can also survive in low-light conditions for a bit of time, but will definitely grow more slowly and potentially drop some of their leaves.


Creeping fig plants can grow in myriad soil types, so long as they're well-draining. Typically, you can opt for any store-bought, soil-based potting mix. To aid in drainage and prevent root rot, opt to plant your creeping fig in a pot that boasts ample drainage holes at its base.


Keep your plant steadily moist, but don't allow it to sit in water. The soil should be allowed to dry out before watering again. Generally, you should water your creeping fig regularly (about once a week) during its growing season, but tapper off your cadence come fall and winter. If you notice the plant's leaves browning or dropping from the plant, it's probably getting too much water.

Temperature and Humidity

True to its tropical roots, creeping fig prefers a warm, moist environment. Temperatures indoors should be kept around 65 degrees Fahrenheit to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, and never allowed to dip below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. The plant prefers above-average humidity levels as well, so consider keeping it in an already-humid part of your home (like a kitchen or bathroom), or invest in a space humidifier.


While creeping fig doesn't need to be fertilized in order to thrive, you can feed it to help with its growth rate. If you choose to feed your plant, opt for a weak liquid fertilizer and feed once a month throughout the spring, summer, and fall, decreasing to every other month in the winter.

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