1 year ago
5 Minutes

Everything You Need To Know About Hibiscus

Hibiscus flowers are among the most popular outdoor plants all over the country; this is because their showy flowers come in an array of eye-catching colors, they’re easy to care for, and they’re good for the bees and butterflies! These plants naturally grow in bush form, but they can be trained to have a more tree-like appearance with proper pruning. Where you grow these as a hedge in the ground, or as a tree in a pot, these flowering plants are sure to make your yard sing with color! Today, we’re going to address some common questions that people have about the hibiscus plant.

How much light does a Hibiscus Need?

Hibiscus needs at least 6 hours of full sun per day. The more sun these plants have, the more they will bloom!

How Much Do You Water a Hibiscus?

Hibiscus loves consistently moist soil; once the plant is established, you should thoroughly water it every 2-3 days depending on how hot it is outside. If you plan to plant these in the ground as a hedge, a great option is to set up a simple drip irrigation system so all you have to do is turn the water on!

How do you Fertilize a Hibiscus?

These plants should be fertilized once per month during the spring and summer months on a regular schedule. Hibiscus loves a high nitrogen fertilizer with low amounts of phosphorus and potassium (ex. 7-1-2).

Do Hibiscus Come Back Every Year?

|Hibiscus do come back every year and bloom for most of the spring, and all summer long. In the warmer, southern states you can usually keep them outside year-round.

Should You Prune Your Hibiscus?

Hibiscus plants will appreciate light pruning at the end of the summer months.

Where Can You Grow Hibiscus?

Hibiscus can be grown anywhere, but are only winder hardy for zones 10-12. If you plant in a container and bring it inside in the winter, they will do just fine in zones 4-9.

What are the benefits of hibiscus?

Hibiscus is not only beautiful to us, but our pollinator friends love them too! The bright colors draw in bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds to feed on its abundant stores of nectar.

Another great thing about these plants is that they can be made into tea; drinking hibiscus tea can help lower blood pressure, assist in weight loss, boost liver health, and it’s packed with antioxidants.

Outdoor Plants

Seena Raghavan
