Whale Fin Sansevieria - Indoor Plants | Plantshop.me

Whale Fin Sansevieria

Dracaena masoniana

SKU 3524


AED 95


Choose Height

25cm - 30cm

Choose Pot

Default Plastic Pot
White Ceramic Pot (Indoor)


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Plant Care


Water once a week or when the soil starts to become slightly dry at the top. Keep the soil lightly moist at all times, but do not overwater as this will cause brown spots and leaf drop. Curly or dry leaves suggest, the plant is dry and needs watering. Water in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler. Always check your soil before watering.


Bright indoor light or indirect sun. 6 hours to 8 hours


Maintain temperatures between 18°C - 24°C. Avoid draughts as these can create undesirable temperature fluctuations. Consider giving your plant an occasional misting twice every week to maintain the optimum humidity level.


Apply liquid fertilizer once in 15 days when the plant is actively growing. For best results use Folikraft ready to use Indoor Plant Food.

Plant Bio

Sansevierias come in many shapes and sizes. And now look at the Sansevieria Mass. Victoria “Whale Fin”! Would there be a cooler one?

Like all Sansevierias, the Whale Fin is fine when watering it once every two weeks. Once a month should be sufficient in the winter months. The Sansevieria can be both in a light spot in the window sill and in a place with a little more shade. ADVICE: You can also easily hold the Sansevieria Whale Fin in your office! Then you can enjoy beautiful plants around you all day long!

When new growth appears in the pot, it is best to let them sit for a while first. Is the new leaf about half the size of the mother leaf you can easily remove the cuttings from the pot. Remove the Sansevieria from the pot and tear the cuttings gently from the mother plant. Of course you can also choose to leave the cuttings. Over time, you will have a full pot of Whale fin’s. Be careful that the plant is not in a pot that is too tight. With a tightness in the pot, new growth can cause too much pressure on the pot so that it can break and that would be a waste of the ornamental pot.

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