Lady Palm - Outdoor Plants |

Rhapis Excelsa Tall

Rhapis Excelsa

SKU 5486


AED 189


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150cm - 170cm

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Default Plastic Pot


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Plant Bio
Whether grown indoors or outdoors, lady palm is easy to grow. Tolerant of low-light conditions, it has large, hand-shape leaves with long, glossy, dark green, finger-like leaflets. The foliage forms a dense canopy above clumps of sturdy stems that are covered with dark brown fibers that have a woven appearance.
Rhapis excelsa is the most widely grown species of lady palm. It has been cultivated for so long that its exact origins are unknown. This lady palm grows in light to heavy shade and makes an elegant houseplant. It also forms an excellent privacy screen. It grows 10 feet tall and wide.

Lady Palm Care Must-Knows

Lady palm spreads by underground stems called rhizomes. Plan to remove the suckers on the outskirts of a lady palm regularly to keep the plant contained. Dig the suckers out with a sharp spade or cut them off with hedge trimmers. Otherwise, lady palms don’t require much pruning, except for damaged or dead fronds. Use a sharp pair of sterilized pruners to snip off the fronds.

Rich in texture, lady palm makes an attractive accent plant indoors, too. Small varieties, sometimes called miniature varieties, are wonderful for tabletops in large spaces like living rooms and family rooms. Large varieties can enliven the corner of a room. All lady palms grow best in bright, indirect light. A south- or west-facing window covered by a sheer curtain is a good choice. These adaptable palms will grow in low-light areas, such as north- or east-facing windows, but expect them to grow exceptionally slow in this condition.

Water lady palms thoroughly when the surface of the soil mix is dry to the touch. Lady palms are slow-growing and benefit from a monthly dose of fertilizer from April through September. Use a houseplant fertilizer and dilute it to half-strength.

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